Jun 13, 2007

"31 people call this photo a favourite"

Peanut butter
Originally uploaded by Bizzy Girl.
I distinctly remember the day I took the shot that ended up at the top of my Flickr Most Interesting Photos list.

I had a hankering for toast and peanut butter with a cup of tea for breakfast one weekend morning. I had just started the toast when my mother popped in (as she often does being as she lives only two blocks away) to see what I was up to.

I had the lid off the peanut butter jar and was chatting with her while I waited for the toaster over to signal the toast was done. I was standing at the kitchen counter and noticed as I glanced over toward the peanut butter jar that the swirl design in the spread made by previous knife dips was rather interesting, and I thought I should shoot it.

Without as much as a second thought, I grabbed my trusty old A620, which was fortuitously within reach, and turned it on. Pointing the lens downward and focusing carefully I shot the contents of the jar, which was lit only by the sunlight streaming in the kitchen window behind it. Just to be safe I took a second shot for posterity...however the first shot, as in my experience is usually the case, was the better one.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

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