Feb 11, 2006

My Valentine...

...knows when he has it good
...isn't afraid of raw emotion: his or someone else's
...is in touch with his world and what's going on in it
...feels the fear and does it anyway
...doesn't take himself too seriously
...loves my kids
...brings flowers for no reason at all
...doesn't sweat the small stuff
...won't find excuses to get out of my family gatherings
...is educated
...gives a damn about his appearance
...knows how to cook
...thinks I'm amazing
...sings and plays guitar
...is patient and understands me
...takes pride in my successes as much as his own
...is the life of the party
...misses me when I'm gone
...looks for ways to better himself
...understands that I need my space

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me know where to find one of those! They seem to be in short supply. Loving your new site.