Dec 7, 2006

Disappearing Christmas tree

It's official: I am an idiot.

Last year, frustrated beyond belief with my old, hand-me-down artificial Christmas tree that didn't assemble properly and just looked like crap, I threw it out. My plan was to get a brand new pre-lit tree, so I wouldn't have to worry about stringing lights, which I always hated doing and could never get them looking quite right anyway.

Well that was my plan.

Fast forward one year. The first week of December is almost over, and I still have no replacement tree. Why, you ask? Well you see about a week ago I was desperately crunching numbers in my bank accounts, credit card and line of credit to figure out a way I could pay the vet the $2,800 I owed him for my kitty, who was deathly ill and facing euthanasia. I still owe the vet about $600, and I have absolutely NO money left over for groceries or Christmas presents...let alone a stupid Christmas tree.

Great. My kids are spending Christmas at my place this year, and they already know there won't be anything from Mummy under the tree, now they aren't going to even have a tree!!!

Can it get any worse?

Why oh why didn't I take advantage of the post-Christmas clearances at Walmart or Canadian Tire last year and buy a damn tree then??? Why didn't I set aside a few extra bucks so that I could at least buy a real tree and a stand to use this year? Why, why, why???

Because I'm an idiot...that's why.

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