Mar 10, 2007

Work to Live vs. Live to Work

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Is it really possible?

Could it be that there is actually a job out there that I would love so much I would do it for free?

We've all heard of the concept, yet for many of us this is little more than an unrealistic pipe dream. We toil away at jobs that we hate because we feel that we have no other choice. We have bills to pay, debt we are carrying and lifestyles to which we are accustomed. To just walk away from a less-than-ideal job in pursuit of something that perhaps doesn't exist in the hopes of finding not only the perfect occupation for us, but one that is going to pay us well just isn't a practical notion.

Take myself for example. Recent events have caused me to take a long, hard look at my current employment situation and ask myself some tough questions. A networking meeting I had with someone the other day whom I have only known for a couple of weeks has resulted in a significant epiphany: I am a right-brain person in a left-brain job. No wonder I am miserable!

My job is heavily administrative in a medium- to high-pressure environment, and has little room for creativity and innovation. It is grossly low-paid and is virtually devoid of opportunity for advancement. Fortunately, I work with some wonderful people and am able to enjoy the relationships I have built with my coworkers and customers, however it can be a real struggle to get through a day with my sanity intact. My adult attention deficit issues make it difficult for me to focus in the hurricane of activity that surrounds me at the office, and has proven to be a real challenge in adapting to an environment where multitasking is the #1 required skill to have in your arsenal. However I am proud to say that I have made significant strides in overcoming these Achilles' Heels of mine thanks to my own determination and stubbornness. I realize with great chagrin that my left-brained team is often frustrated and bewildered at my inability to do what they find ridiculously easy.

However this recent turning point has me very excited about my future. My brain is bursting with ideas and thoughts right now, and I need to find a way to organize them all and put them into action. Speaking on the phone to one of my sisters today, who was very encouraging and enthusiastic about it all, has me wanting to explore things further. For the first time I am actually entertaining the thought of abandoning my HR studies altogether and going in a completely different direction.

Stay tuned to see what happens next!

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