Jul 25, 2007

Job bliss

Today I was going through some responses to a job ad I had posted on Workopolis for a Human Resources Representative in the GTA. A young woman barely out of college had applied with a note that she would require a wage of $45K to start along with three weeks' vacation.

I drew my colleagues' attention to the response, and subsequently the office erupted in sarcastic laughter.

I love how high Gen Y's expectations are with regard to their employment. Perhaps it's because I'm from a different generation where we were happy just to get a job that was even remotely in line with what we wanted to do and the amount of money we wanted to earn. Maybe it's just because I'm insanely bitter at the lack of meaningful employment here in Durham region, or perhaps I need to raise my own expectations a bit, as I am selling myself short. Heck I've been in this field for eight years and even I'm not making $45K per year!!!

Well after the gales of laughter subsided, the girls and I decided to do a little daydreaming of our own, and we came up with the Ideal Job:

* A starting salary of $60K plus five weeks' vacation and 20 sick days per year that either carry over to the following year if unused, or are paid back to us
* Full benefits whenever we need them with the cost being borne by the employer
* A corner office with a fantastic view, a stocked bar and barista
* A hot, young male assistant to do our bidding
* A paid gym membership
* Unlimited lunch break
* Access to the company jet whenever we like
* A guaranteed indefinite contract term
* Corporate discounts on spa visits, clothing and electronics purchases
* Required attendance at the quarterly company meetings in Las Vegas, Tahiti, or Hawaii where we do nothing but look at some reports and just schmooze
* Full autonomy in our roles (whatever they may be...really with all this, who cares what we're doing???)

Sighhh....that was FUN.

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