Apr 9, 2006

Random Sunday evening musings

I bought my very first electric toothbrush yesterday...and I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! Why didn't I get one ages ago??? I can't believe the difference - there is no comparison. I'll never go back to a manual toothbrush again.

I have been away from the gym all last week following an injury I sustained Monday during my lower body workout. I believe I damaged my ab muscles. They are still very tender. Do I continue to stay away from the gym for another week, or do I go back and work everything BUT abs for the next while?

Is this person really interested in me? Are we as compatible as it seems? Will he tire of the distance between us and self-select out, or will he be in for the long haul? What is going on inside that adorable head of his??? I wonder when I'm going to see him again...

It is so nice to come home to a clean house...or at least a partially clean house. My house is never completely clean - by the time I get around the entire place the room in which I started has become dirty again. I am not a great housekeeper, and lack the motivation required to keep a house spotless, or near spotless. Clutter and cat hair abounds in my home. Do I have the money to hire a cleaning lady once or twice a month?

I have agreed to rent my basement to two students who will split the rent costs. A significant financial burden has just been lifted. I can now relax and sleep a bit better at night.

And speaking of sleep...it is eleven o'clock, and I should be in bed!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah to lift a financial burden.. what a great feeling. kinda like when i paid off my visa a couple of weeks ago. woo!

makes for sweet dreams.. zzzzZZZZzzzzzzz