Apr 30, 2006

Relaxation and reflection

Today my friend Amanda hosted a spa party at her home and invited a few of us over. I wouldn't normally accept such an invitation, however I am hosting a candle party at the end of May and I am expecting Amanda to be there, so I couldn't really decline this invitation now could I?

I went with the thought that I could use something for my very dry hands and cuticles, and figured I'd probably make a small purchase. The company is called BeautiControl. I had never heard of them before, despite the fact that they've been around for twenty-five years! Anyhow they have some gorgeous stuff. We did a mini manicure, mini facial and mini pedicure, and now my face hands and feet are as smooth as a baby's butt. I would have bought more stuff, but with the hand products alone I ended up spending almost 80 bucks, so I thought I'd stop there. It would actually be a fun way to spend an evening with the girls, but I think I'm pushing it by trying to get my friends to come to a spa party AND a candle party, so for now I'll pass.

Now I'm back at home with absolutely no ambition whatsoever. I've got a zillion things that need doing around here, but I am not in the least bit motivated to do them.

Instead I'm going to goof off on the computer Stumbling around on Mozilla. I found and did this really cool quiz to determine my ideal career. To view my results, go here.

Interesting! I have been struggling lately with my decision to follow an HR career path. I really enjoy writing, and have often wondered if journalism is something I should be pursuing instead. Here is more information on my Myers Briggs type. Funny, but the first time I did this test I was rated more of an introvert. Guess my true nature is finally coming out.

1 comment:

scar_al said...

No pictures in this blog?