Dec 22, 2006

Anne's Food Bank

My mother, Anne, horrified at the fact that I wasn't able to afford to go grocery shopping following having to put out all kinds of money for Magnus, graciously offered up groceries from her own cupboard yesterday. I should now be able to eat three square meals a day for a few days until Christmas, when I will be fed very well, and furnished with leftovers to see me through to the New Year, hopefully.

One thing being broke has taught me, is how to be frugal. Although I do hate being a slave to money, it is unbelieveable how much I was wasting that I could have saved. I used to get a coffee at Tim's every morning, and would often buy a bagel or something to eat. I often didn't bother making myself lunch, so I would end up buying that as well. It all adds up, and I will definitely be more mindful of how much money I'm spending when I'm back on my feet financially, which should hopefully be in February if not sooner.

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