Dec 24, 2006

Humbug to global warming

First snowfall
Originally uploaded by Bizzy Girl.
I have to say that I do not share in everyone else's delight that we are having such an unseasonably warm winter thus far. I find the whole climate change thing just a little unsettling.

Not that I don't love not having to clean off my car before I go to work every morning, or have to worry about shovelling the driveway. It is definitely a treat not having to be concerned about these things. However, the fact that we have had less than an inch of snow this year does worry me about what kind of legacy we are leaving for our children? We have damaged the planet to the extent that the ozone layer has been severely compromised, which has started a chain reaction that has led to the planet warming up to the point that we are soon not going to have winter at all!

I don't claim to be an expert on the subject at all, but I just find it all very upsetting and hope that my grandkids don't have to suffer for the environmental neglect of their predecessors.

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