Jun 15, 2007

Can't sleep...

It's after midnight and I should be sawing logs right now because I am really very tired. I don't know why but for some reason I get this stupid second wind around 10pm and no matter how completely exhausted I am I somehow manage to stay wide awake for most of the night - my head swimming with thoughts and worries.

The fact that I absolutely hate my job doesn't help much either.

This week is especially tough because I am dealing with all the staffing issues virtually on my own with my coworker away helping out in the Ottawa branch. She is much better at this job than I am, and manages quite well on her own when I am away...which will be in two weeks when I make my next trip to the office in Ottawa. WOOT!

I just adore my treks to our nation's capital. This is mainly because it is a much nicer branch with better employees and customers to work with (people I'm actually proud to associate myself with). Also the office is gorgeous and situated on the main floor of a government building. It's like being in a whole other world. I'd be working there permanently if I didn't have roots here in the Shwa. I'll be sad when they are up and running on their own and don't need our help anymore :-(

OK well I'm gonna go give this shut-eye thing another stab...

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