May 22, 2010

How I Did It

Up until recently I've not been taking very good care of myself. I didn't care what I ate, led an inactive lifestyle, and wasted endless hours of time on the internet. Then, on April 25, 2010 I found myself at an emergency animal hospital facing the euthanasia of my beloved calico, Hermione. She had battled for weeks with kidney failure, and all my attempts at returning her to good health failed. It was a terrible day.

After having to make that dreadful decision something switched in me. I decided that I had to take charge of my life and stop wasting it. I began taking an interest in my own health and well-being, as I had suddenly come to the realization that if I was going to lead the life I wanted, it was up to me and me alone. At the time I weighed 152lbs, which at barely over 5ft tall is considered overweight. I was not exercising at all.

I began the South Beach Diet, which I had done back in 2003 with phenomenal results, shedding 23lbs. A friend at work had mentioned she was going on the diet as well, so I decided I would join her. Over the next two weeks I dropped 6 lbs and my body shape started changing dramatically. At the same time I started the habit of going for a 1/2 hour brisk walk in the afternoon, which really helped me get over that afternoon slump. I amazed myself at the level of will power I had when treats were offered me - I simply had no interest in them.

I am staying the course now until the end of July, at which time I will be back to my perfect weight of 120lbs. I enjoy exercising, whereas I did not before, and find that I am feeling and looking much better. It is all of these outcomes that have spurred me to stick with it and embrace my new lifestyle.

This morning I had an amazing breakfast of old fashioned oatmeal (not the instant kind) cooked with low-fat milk. I added to it blueberries, chopped walnuts, cinnamon and 1/2 tsp of real organic maple syrup. It was FANTASTIC. After that I did some Yoga Booty Ballet and I feel great.

I'm so happy and grateful to have finally taken charge of my life to live it the way I've always wanted!

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